My Philosophy

Lead an exceptional life through the art of connection.


Separating our work and personal ‘selves’ can be exhausting. After all, we are a whole person with a whole life. If we’re imbalanced in one area of our life, we cannot enjoy genuine success in another. True success and happiness can be only found when we can craft a balance across all areas of our lives.

Connected Coaching by Tina Daisley is a philosophy that underpins all of my coaching programs. Whether I’m working with individuals, teams and organisations, I use the same three pillars to teach the art of connectivity: Purpose, Connection and Boundaries.

When we make choices through the lens of all three of these filters, our life becomes balanced.

We have a sense of control. We have an anchor for our decisions. And when we take the time to evaluate our life as a ‘whole’, we enable a deep sense of connection, clarity on the direction we are taking, and the confidence and courage to live our best life.

A truly exceptional life, right now.




The three pillars of Connected Coaching:


Simon Sinek tells us that it all starts with ‘Why?’. The Japanese concept of ‘ikigai’ tells us that knowing and having your reason for being is the secret ingredient to healthy ageing.

I know that when I’ve got a reason for getting up in the morning and a feeling of having impact beyond just getting things done day to day, I’m energised. There is much research that shows having an individual sense of purpose, a connection to your ‘why’, is the absolute foundation to your wellbeing.

The first phase of Connected Coaching begins by peeling back the filters that we all have on auto-pilot to explore what our authentic purpose is. Your reason for being. Your personal ‘Why’.


Often we make plans and goals thinking about a particular area of our life we want to achieve something. “Make a plan to get that promotion this year”,Train for that marathon”, “Start a family”.

We plan many of these things, but often the missing step is linking these plans to the other areas of our life. And an exceptional life requires harmony across all areas of life.

The next phase of Connected Coaching brings your life into alignment. As we work through this phase you will achieve clarity and a stronger connection to your purpose, values, the important people in your lives and an understanding of the work that brings out the best in you.

In short, you’ll connect with your best self.



Without doubt, boundaries are a challenge for almost everyone. And it’s no wonder - many of us were raised by parents who could never have imagined the 24/7 world we live in now. The impact of technology. Globalisation. Being constantly on.

So we were raised with a deep work ethic. The belief that loyalty paid off. An understanding success comes from embracing opportunities that we get.

Our work ethic tells us we should give 110% at work. We are judged by our contribution. We don’t let people down. We “should” give our all to everything we are doing.

But that was all created in a world that was compartmentalised. Offices opened and closed each day and the work day was confined to those hours.

There were no laptops home. Work calls ceased the moment we left the office.

So our parents didn’t, and couldn’t, have anticipated that we would need to learn some robust skills for setting boundaries. More than that, we’d need to learn how to work out what boundaries we needed!

The final phase of Connected Coaching is to do just that. We will discover the boundaries that we need to make our whole life work. We’ll explore how those boundaries will change at different times in your life. You’ll work out what boundaries and limits you need to be at your best.

And the important part, you’ll learn how to set them and make them work for you and the people that matter to you.  





Available by virtual workshop or in-house

Connected You

Individual coaching tailored to you to overcome your blockers and achieve your full potential. I’ll work with you to peel back the layers and reconnect with your purpose. Crafting a compelling vision and clear, actionable steps, I’ll support you to get from A to point B, while ensuring your journey is empowering, focused and confidence building.

Connected Leaders

For aspiring and existing leaders who want to elevate their impact and performance. Apply purpose, connection and boundaries to take your leadership to the next level while building even stronger EQ (critical in our agile environments!).

Connected Teams

For high-performing, engaged and motivated teams. A combination of a Team Kick-Off Workshop followed by monthly workshops to continue to build team capability and culture to drive and deliver outcomes.

Connected Strategy

For organisations committed to developing people and culture strategies that genuinely enable the business for excellence as well as a healthy, engaged and motivated workforce.

If this sounds like it could make an impact in your life, team or organisation, get in touch using the link below: